Last but not least, in-house experts from large publishing houses ensure profound support and advice in the choice of topics. Members expect their top organisation to take up industry topics and provide profound support. The prerequisites for this are tailor-made study designs and the delivery of timely and reliable results as well as action-relevant findings.
How it works
- If desired, topics can be discussed together with INNOFACT experts.
- If the topic has already been determined, a questionnaire is drawn up which is methodically at the highest qualitative level. Currently, there are many improperly conducted studies that do not meet market research quality and do not provide any real value of insight, so that communication and press work that has been designed with the corresponding studies are highly vulnerable.
- Depending on whether the results have to be delivered very quickly (24 hours), because a current topic window exists, or in the medium term, if a strategic topic approach is involved, the results are delivered on time.
- It is also possible to prepare a customer-ready chart report that can be called up by association members.
- Estimation of daily events
- Fundamental issues concerning the association
- Assessments and opinions on current and future trends
Available Packages
- Solution package for beginners
Small messages with a big impact: Generate results on a very specific topic with just one or a few questions. This is possible within 2 days and from EUR 500. - Solution package for professionals
Get to the bottom of a topic and place the insights gained effectively for your brands in the media. We can implement such studies in a time- and cost-efficient manner within 7 days. - Solution package for experts
Make your customer a top expert of an entire market, a target group, or a trend: with a larger and more comprehensive study, the brand you represent will develop into the opinion and competence leader in the media.
What INNOFACT deliveres
- Prompt or just-in-time delivery of results
- Representative surveys
- Robust results that stand up to critical scrutiny, which is particularly important when the results are used in public
- Advice on the development of new topics
- Opportunities for association leaders to distinguish themselves among their members through robust market and opinion research