In Germany alone, INNOFACT regularly communicates with over 500,000 panelists on various channels: depending on the survey design, respondents can take part in surveys on their PC, laptop or smartphone. The advantages of mobile devices are always used when it is important and useful for the subject of the survey and the size of the screen is not a limitation for the interview.
How it works
INNOFACT takes care of the entire process chain in an online project: from the consultation at the start of a project, through the design of the questionnaire, to the programming and statistical evaluation of the results from the field:
- Questionnaire development and coordination Programming of the online survey (incl. filters, rotations, further tools such as conjoint)
- Execution of the online interviews and hosting of the survey
- Incentivation of the survey participants Data handling, labeling, cleansing, creation of final data sets (basis: SPSS/Excel)
- Delivery of a table volume (pdf or Excel) with all previously defined outlines
- Creation of a detailed chart report Personal presentation and discussion of results with recommendations
- These process steps apply to both national and international multi-country studies.
Good market research needs the best samples. INNOFACT uses online samples from the following sources:
- Entscheiderclub: The INNOFACT online quality panel with the latest technology, ISO certification and German data protection level. Available in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
- International partner panels for reliable samples outside Germany.
Advantages of online surveys
Panel surveys have been the industry standard in market research for many years, with many advantages. Advantages are among others
- Short lead times from online market research projects to the presentation of results
- Clean screening: hidden screening questions ensure that only the desired target group is admitted to the main survey
- No interviewer influences (effects of social desirability of answers are minimized). Unlike personal interviews, where the behaviour and appearance of the interviewer may have an influence on the respondent’s response behaviour
- More authentic and detailed answers to open questions. Respondents can think in peace, take the time they need
- Possibility to visualise specific topics in the interview as well (by incorporating logos product images, shelves, advertisements, TV spots, radio spots etc.)
- More complex questionnaire design through intelligent filter guides and question types
- Cost savings: By doing without more cost-intensive face-to-face or telephone interviews in favour of online interviews, considerable cost advantages are achieved, but these are not bought at the expense of quality
- Online samples are representative: a broad section of the population responds to online surveys
- Busy people and those involved in the workplace are easily accessible because many panel interviews are conducted in the workplace and because respondents can participate at a time of their choice