Taylor-made solutions
INNOFACT has many years of experience in consulting content marketing agencies and PR agencies. Last but not least, in-house experts who have previously worked in major publishing houses ensure profound support and advice. Numerous clients from the agency sector have therefore relied on the proven INNOFACT Services such as tailor-made study designs and the delivery of timely and reliable results, as well as action-relevant findings for years.
Good to know
In order to conduct successful market research on their own behalf, numerous PR agencies constantly mandate INNOFACT to research and review the effectiveness and mechanisms of their PR measures. However, the results of INNOFACT Market Research provide PR agencies with data and information with which they can make your successes and effectiveness visible to your customers.
- Estimation of daily events
- Fundamental issues affecting the client company (sustainability, product category, developments in user markets, etc.)
- Assessments of opinions on current and future trends
- Solution package for beginners
Small messages with a big impact: Generate results on a very specific topic using just one or a few questions. This can be done within 2 days. - Solution package for professionals
Get to the bottom of a topic and place the insights gained effectively for your brands in the media. We can implement such studies time- and cost-efficiently within 7 days. - Solution package for experts
Make your client the top expert on an entire market, a target group or a trend: with a larger study with more comprehensive content, the brand you represent becomes the opinion and expertise leader in the media.
What INNOFACT delivers
- Prompt or just-in-time delivery of results
- Representative surveys
- Robust results that stand up to critical scrutiny, which is particularly important when the results are used in public
- Advice on the development of new topics
- Many years of experience cooperating with PR agencies
- Opportunities for PR agencies to distinguish themselves through robust market and opinion research with customers