Good to know
In Germany alone, INNOFACT regularly communicates with over 500,000 panelists via various channels: depending on the study design, respondents can participate in surveys on their PC, laptop or smartphone. The advantages of mobile end devices are always used when it is important, and when they are useful for the object of investigation and the size of the screen does not restrict the interview.
- Panel surveys have been the industry standard in market research for many years, and they use many advantages – in particular speed.
- More authentic and detailed answers to open questions. Respondents can think in peace, and take the time they need.
- Various visualisation options (logos, product images, shelves, advertisements, TV spots, radio spots, etc.).
- Online samples are representative. A broad section of the population reacts to online surveys.
- Two reasons:
- Telephone surveys have lost advantage in representativeness because the proportion of people with a landline telephone connection is falling and at the same time the proportion of online users is rising.
- Busy people and those professionally involved are easy to reach because many panel interviews are conducted at the workplace and because respondents can participate at a time of their choice.
Good market research needs the best samples. INNOFACT uses robust online samples from the following sources:
- Club of decision makers: The INNOFACT online quality panel with the latest technology, ISO certification and German data protection standard is available in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
- Partner panels for reliable samples outside Germany.